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Zilch Acne Formula Results and Reviews


Real users, real results.

Authenticity is our key value, so we stand by our “real users, real results” promise. All reviews and photos have been sent in by real users.

Zilch Acne Formula Before and After photo review
Zilch Acne Formula Before and After photo review
Zilch Acne Formula Before and After photo Review
Zilch Acne Formula Before and After photo review
Zilch Acne Formula Before and After photo review

Discover the viral Zilch Acne Formula, and start your own clear skin journey today.

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It’s been 4 weeks and the result’s really incredible!! All my acne healed within a month! Truly this Chinese herbal medicine saved me. I've been really worried and stressed because of my skin condition last year, but this helped me prepare for my prenup photoshoot and wedding this year.

Where to start... I've been battling c****c moderate acne for a decade. The closer I got to 30, the worse it got. Tried almost every nonpharmaceutical option I could (creams, vitamins, masks, spot treatments, changing diet, clean make up brushes every day, ect ect ect). Then I had tried topical retinols, topical antibiotics, oral spironolactone, oral antibiotics. Very minimal result and it kept coming back. Disclaimer, I have tried Zilch in the past for a month and didn't notice enough result. I stopped because 1) I wasn't patient and 2) it was cost prohibitive at the time. This time around, I wanted to give it a fair chance. I have been taking 6 tablets daily on an empty stomach, per the instructions (3 in AM and 3 in PM). I never ever had any sise effects taking this. The maximum recommended dose is up to 4 tabs twice a day. I began taking Zilch November 28th, 2023. For the first 3 weeks I was only taking 2 tabs in AM and 2 tabs PM. The 4th week I bumped it up to 3 tabs, twice a day. After a month, I noticed I wasn't forming new acne. After I didn't form a new pimple for over 2 months, I was seriously shook to my core. I honestly forgot what it was like to not have any new painful acne on my face. I haven't formed a new pimple for almost 3 months. I was religiously taking it morning and night. It wasn't until last week, I formed a new single pimple on my chin. I believe this is My fault because I missed a few doses by accident within the last 2 weeks. And because skin was becoming so clear, I became brave and indulged in a few sweet treats. I think I set myself back on that one. Overall after a 3 month journey, and giving Zilch a real chance, I'd say I'm highly satisfied and if it keeps my pimples away forever, so long as I take it everyday, then I will take this until I am dead lol. I was looking for any and every way to avoid Accutane and I may have found it. I cannot speak to if the results will be lasting if you stop taking it. I've never made this much progress on my skin before and I'd be afraid to stop it at this point. If you're reading this, I hope you give it a real chance and do a couple bottles worth. After 3 months, I'm barely through my 2nd bottle. I'm so happy and I hope this continues. My next goal is to fade all my hyperpigmentation. Good luck on your journey !

I've tried every product and cream on the market, including isotretinoin (roaccutane), antibiotics (topical and pills), even various birth control and let me tell you, it either made my acne worse or I experienced ALL the side effects. Zilch is a natural formula that helps treat the cause of the problem rather than the symptoms by healing the body from the inside and I can not recommend it enough. I had cy***c and hormonal acne for 15+ years and after trying Zilch I immediately saw results after 2 weeks and after continuing to use their products I'm happy to say I no longer have acne.

I've been taking zilch for about a year now. I took a month or two off to see if it made a difference, and I confirm that my breakouts are definitely more pronounced and inflamed when I'm not taking zilch. My skin hasn't cleared though, as you can see from the photos. There is no chance I'm leaving the house without make up on (although that is the dream). I have hormonal acne so that might be affecting my results. I breakout two weeks before my period, the week of my period, and then I spend the remainder of the month trying to heal those breakouts before the cycle continues. For those who don't have the hormonal kind, I think this could be a game changer. I've seen more results with this than when my GP prescribed the contraceptive pill and differin gel. Although it is expensive, it does help!

So I went off the CP.. and about the 6 month mark had the worst cy***c acne from hell which made me feel so super miserable. And as you’re rotting in your misery you turn to the internet and I came across zilch so at this point thought why not! Best decision I made because within two weeks my cy***c acne went down??? The flattened? And my redness calmed down and by the month end I had no angry breakouts and my makeup didn’t look like I was hiding giant mountains on my face lol. Though it has been two solid months of patience. While my skin is not perfect by all means as it was on the pill I am still v grateful for this. Pics for reference. One thing I wish is that I wish it were cheaper

I've been documenting my acne progress for 3 years and no matter what I've tried, I haven't noticed any improvements. I started taking Zilch a month ago and am now noticing first results. My breakouts are less s***** and I finally have larger areas without pimples so that I can slowly start treating my scars. I'm sure I'll need at least one more bottle until my skin is completely acne-free, but the results so far give me a lot of hope.

This Acne products has transformed my skin. I noticed results in just 2 weeks after taking this products.

I like how is natural and I am not afraid of side effects. So happy with my skin at the moment.

Taking Zilch helps me reduce the inflammation. I can say that there’s really an improvement. Hoping that before my PreNup Photoshoot (as a bride to be) i will achieve the clear skin and glow.

I’ve used zilch acne formula in the past and it works well when incorporating healthy lifestyle habits. When I’m being too harsh on my skin or not eating well it doesn’t work as well for me. I’ve dealt with acne since I was in middle school so topical treatments do not work for me. I’m glad I always have zilch to rely on because I know it’s helping me internally which is the root of my issue. It’s hard to tell because my skin scars so easily but it has improved. I notice I’m getting more whiteheads that are easier to treat instead of painful acne. My digestion also improves every time I take this supplement. I’ve also been loving their digestion and bloat supplement and I will be starting the pms one too because I have terrible painful periods. So hopefully that might help my acne further. I will purchase another bottle of this because I know just one won’t be enough for me. Thank you to the creator of zilch!


Ready to rediscover clear skin confidence?

Dr. Vivian Tam with bottles of Zilch Acne Formula and plant on left side


A word from our founder Vivian.

"I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been brave enough to share their skin stories with us. Not a day goes by where I am not grateful for such a wonderful and caring community of people. Every review and every photo still brings me so much joy. To create this formula, and to read stories of how my product has been able to change lives like this... the feeling is indescribable. Thank you, thank you, thank you."