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Zilch Acne Formula Results and Reviews


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Authenticity is our key value, so we stand by our “real users, real results” promise. All reviews and photos have been sent in by real users.

Zilch Acne Formula Before and After photo review
Zilch Acne Formula Before and After photo review
Zilch Acne Formula Before and After photo Review
Zilch Acne Formula Before and After photo review
Zilch Acne Formula Before and After photo review

Discover the viral Zilch Acne Formula, and start your own clear skin journey today.

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I have used it for 25 days now. I take 4 in the morning and 4 in the evening. I used to get a lot of flare ups, but i noticed my c***** acne are becoming less. Will continue doing it for 2 more months and hopefully my breakouts will gone.

I was on birth control for ten years and decided to come off when I learned about the harmful effects it can have on your body. After coming off the pill, I suffered with digestive issues, depression, and s***** acne. I wanted a hollistic and natural way to cure my acne and came across zilch. I started taking four pills twice a day and by the end of one bottle I saw a drastic change. This helped me with preventing new pimples from forming and I now take two pills daily to control my acne. This is my holy grail supplement!

I must say I am very impressed with this acne formula. I have worked with herbalist and acupuncturist in the past so I am somewhat familiar with Chinese herbs. I must say this is quite the formula, and it definitely works for acne and then some! For those who are not familiar with TCM, acne is connected to liver and lungs. I knew this would help because some of the ingredients help with respiratory health and liver. Before using this product I had an awful cough and morning phlegm that I was dealing with for two months. Within a week I noticed a difference, no more late night cough attacks. Acne was going away and I wasn’t getting major breakouts and my black heads and white heads were subsiding as well. My skin texture was looking a lot better as well and I was looking less dry. I also noticed my energy was a lot better. My only downside was it did make me constipated in the beginning so I had to really increase my water intake while taking the pills and it went it away. The herbs she chose will benefit you in so many other ways than just acne. I finally got my skin back on track and couldn’t be happier! I highly recommend trying this! I took the full dose of 8 for the first month and then when down to 6 a day. My results started to show really show within 2- 3 weeks.

I’ve been struggling with acne for 2 years now. Never had acne before in my life. I started doing everything I found on the internet that was said to be helpful. Changed my diet, my skin care, started taking “acne” pills from different brands. Nothing helped it just kept getting worse. When I found Zilch it took me a while to decide to get it because I’ve already spent so much money and nothing helped. But decided to go for it. I started taking zilch on 12/04/2024. And here are my results (check photos). I started taking 6 pills in the morning, I’m now on 5 a day. I just have no words and cannot wait to see what my skin will look like in another month. I’ll keep you posted.

Have been battling adult acne for about a decade. It got so s***** in 2017 that I had to take Accutane. The Accutane did clear it, but it's been slowly coming back since. Not wanting to go back to that medication, I have since tried a bunch of topicals (the typical stuff Rx'ed by doctors, but also True Botanicals, the Phyla probiotic thing, etc). I've also tried Apostrophe's Spironolactone. I ALSO tried Clearstem but was getting headaches - unclear if it was related, but as I suffer from migraines I didn't want to risk it and stopped immediately. Argh. I got the Zilch Acne Formula in April and it is now June. Admittedly I wasn't using it consistently in the beginning, including when I traveled for a few weeks and didn't bring it with me. Since then I've been using it regularly (albeit, at a bit of a reduce dose, because I'm trying to stretch it...) and have noticed really quick progress. I can only imagine the progress would be even better if I had been taking it as directed/consistently from Day 1. Other treatments I'm currently using conjointly are Tretinoin cream nightly, and one of those micro-sculpting LED light tools. While those 2 treatments have definitely helped with the improved overall smoothness & complexion of my face, I haven't felt that they've made significant improvement to the reduction of acne (in part because I know my acne is hormonal). I feel like once I started using the Zilch formula, though, I could see the actual acne drying up and clearing. I will definitely continue using as long as my wallet permits!

Used Zich for two months and my skin cleared up really nicely. Having been off it for another few months I’ve noticed a breakout at the time of my period so I’m going to start Zilch again and reduce the amount I take more gradually.


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Dr. Vivian Tam with bottles of Zilch Acne Formula and plant on left side


A word from our founder Vivian.

"I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been brave enough to share their skin stories with us. Not a day goes by where I am not grateful for such a wonderful and caring community of people. Every review and every photo still brings me so much joy. To create this formula, and to read stories of how my product has been able to change lives like this... the feeling is indescribable. Thank you, thank you, thank you."